Thank you for sharing your favorite services providers with NAPO Houston members. Please follow the instructions as set forth below:
Choose Category – If your service provider does not fit into one of the pre-set categories, place your referral under the miscellaneous category. The Resource List facilitator will create a category for your listing at a later date.
Title – Add the name of the company or service provider.
Description – Add a brief 1-3 sentence description of the company or service provider. Following this description, please add “Referred by (your name)” and your contact information (email address or cell phone number). If a member has a question about your referral, they will contact you using this contact information.
Contact Details – Add the contact information for the company or service provider, i.e. company address, phone, email, website, etc.
Image – You may add company logo or product pictures only.
Place Listing – Make sure to check this box so that your referral can be shared with other members.
Please note: The Resource List facilitator has the right to alter or delete referrals in case of duplicate listings or for other reasons.